Saturday, March 28, 2020

Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready for God & Country


Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Rain for days, and plagues...what is going on with our world? If you are familiar with God's word then you have read Exodus, and, hopefully more. None of this is a surprise to God, and, as believers, none of it should be a surprise to us. God gave us a book of instructions and wisdom and if you lack any, just pick up His word, pray, and ask.

My people perish for lack of knowledge. -Hosea 4:6

In the word, you can find exactly where we are on the Biblical timeline.
Right about now - plaques and days of darkness, slavery, and birthing pains....should bring you to meditate on Exodus and the days of passover when the Jews were encouraged to get their house in order and come before the Lord; the blood of the lamb was spread over every believer's doorway so the angel of death would pass over the house. The believers were on their knees, repenting, fasting, praying to the only One who could save them.  We are in the middle of a plague, our people are in bondage, idols abound, false religions and false practices deceive us from the one true God; the remnant is praying and interceding, and, soon, every knee shall bound. We pray our Father in heaven shows mercy once again and allows this angel of death to pass over our homes and our land.
Examine your conscience, lay down your idols, fast, repent, pray, prepare, the passover season is upon us.
In this hour, I am glad God is in control. The One enthroned in heaven has us in the palm of His hand. and see what the Lord will do to bring good out of this evil of the plaque that has befallen our lands the world over.

Not by my power,but His spirit. -Zechariah 4:6.

The Lord's about to part the Red sea and the Nations will see His power and glory. There will be a But, God recovery. There will be a But, God reset. And, there will be redemption. There is Victory in the blood and power in the Resurrection. God will calm the storm and step in to position us for the greatest recovery, the greatest days ever imagined.

Though War break out around me, remain in my confidence. -Psalm 27:3.

Why am I so confident? Only because I have understanding of Him and the promises in His word!
I feel as if this is a realignment of His children's hearts, this is a Reset, a Refresh, A Redo - a Reboot; a season of mercy, actually, a second chance to lay down our false idols, our bickering spirits, our bitterness, our divided hearts, our false religions, the deception and darkness that has tried to overtake us, greed and immorality that has come upon this land.
We are being pulled, stretched in new ways, to catapult us further into our direction of destiny. As this plaque passes, we will recover at supernatural speeds, with supernatural help; remember, this is for Him to have the glory and to position us for His purpose, not to line our pockets and simply repair our economy for business as usual.
It's as if, the world is spiraling to the end days - and we are shifting into a final season - but this is not the end, only a preparation for the darker days ahead. Christ is preparing His bride and giving everyone time to know Him. Rend your hearts to Him who loves you.

Every knee shall bow and proclaim Him as King of Kings. Get ready, Get ready, Get Ready!

God is igniting The Spirit of America! I have been leading the charge, like Paul Revere of our day, spreading this message of hope and history for God & Country.
In 2015-2016, He brought me across America to pray for our 50 states, to release His spirit, to declare revival, to exhort my fellow Americans, to stir the faith of His people, to print a God-inspired manuscript from Key West - the Southern most point in America, and to release the book God & Country: All Things Are Possible - this is for you, me, and America! He prompted me to release it with a publisher out of Texas, a most patriotic state, for a time such as this. I was just a scribe, a willing forerunner, but if you will take a look, you will see God's plans to stir the hearts of His people - back to families, back to neighborly love, back to America, back to our first love -God himself; to celebrate America and the blessings in our own backyard, to be filled with gratitude and not entitlement, to revere and honor all the goodness He has blessed us with - to give us a heart change - for the world to awaken to Him.
This isn't the end time, my friends, this is a call to arms; this is a reset to family and God & Country; we are walking in to the greatest days filled with His glory. Tell your stories, inspire others. I do
believe the Lord is preparing to 'utterly amaze.' - Habakkuk 1:5.

To learn more about God & Country and Spirit of America Days, visit
To listen to the inspirational podcast to Make Patriotism Cool Again, search For the Love of God & Country. To join in faith, raise your flags. Flags coming soon available at