Sunday, May 16, 2021

Be of Good Courage, America



This last year has taken great Courage - to trust God in the face of a global plague, national disasters, natural disasters, and the loss of everything familiar.

I am working on a book, Courage for America, written as a second chance of truth and inspiration for you, me, and America. A second chance to let go of this world, say, “yes,” to the One true God – let go of idols, trauma, burdens, offense, division, heart issues, and the old you that has chained you down and kept you from living in freedom.

The timeline has changed, America. It’s time, now more than ever, to focus on our Creator, His Word, and His calling. This next season will take great courage, but He will lead you every step of the way. Take Courage, my friends, we were born for a time such as this.

Our purpose in this hour is still The Great Commission – to spread the Good News, to disciple the nations, and harvest souls for heaven. In the face of Covid and Crisis, we must walk boldly and speak loudly. We must risk more, stretch further, and rise up to our calling.

Ask of me the nations and I will give them as your inheritance.  -Psalm 2:8

But first - America.

America plays a great role in the destiny of the nations and the Lord’s inheritance. We must never forget, America is our birthright, as is freedom and liberty. So be brave, bold, and courageous – fight for her still. We have power to stand for truth, to demand our hard-won constitution be upheld, to insist on election integrity, truth, transparency, and the freedom to move about freely and enjoy the blessings of the land the Lord has given us.

We must walk boldly as patriots for America, stake our claim for our soil by flying our American flags, clean house and parent God’s way, lead our families, and be courageous soldiers for Christ.Say goodbye to what was; it's time to hunker down and prepare for what's to come.

We have a voice – use it. We have power – vote, lead, serve, and volunteer – get involved while your fight still counts. Our purpose is to love one another; be known for love, kindness, and serving as Christ did; focus on unity, not offense, love, not hardness of heart, and above all, God.

This is the Courage that is needed in this hour.

Ask the Lord how you can commit your home, your belongings, your family, and your heart to Him. Then walk out the ‘and,’ by leaving the old and stepping in to the new with Courage.

I have walked through the fire and He has led me through every step – including an F4 tornado, close calls involving family members, car collisions, life- threatening health issues, and more – I assure you; He will lead you through your storms, too. 

Do not be afraid; be Courageous.

This next season will take every patriot fighting for freedom, every saint praying for God’s mercy, help, and deliverance, and every Biblical promise to stand firm and wait for the deliverance of the Lord. 

Be of good courage – our King is coming.

But first, I stand firm and believe for a Victory Lap -  an unexpected season of mercy and joy. A time that many will awaken and believe, taste and see; a time to follow Him further, a time for redemption, for promises to pass, and for dreams to come true. I believe this will be our best year yet. Be encouraged, be refreshed.  We will frolic like well-fed calves. But remember, this too shall pass, and your Courage and faith will be required. Read the book of instructions, for it is all written in the Word and coming to pass, just as the Lord has said.

First, to America, then to the Nations. This is the hour every nation shall hear about the Good News. The harvest is ripe and the workers are few. Be prepared to be sent.

Look at the nations and watch – and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.   -Habakkuk 1:5.

Courage for America, release pending, by Jacqueline Arnold.

 Learn more at